The level and manner of theft is becoming more and more brazen as each week unfolds because the new batch of thieves are afraid that there will be none left for them.
I don't even want to get into the discussion of "why are the people allowing this to happen", because I think it should be obvious to all by now that the New American, is incapable and unable to defend themselves against this latest up swell of tyranny. It is Ironic that in a society that has indebted itself to the brink of dissolution, in a consumer orgy fueled in large part by the obsessive desire to have the latest in communication tech gadgetry, the citizens are unable to communicate simple foundational ideals within their own communities. If we don't even know our neighbors anymore, how can we reach a consensus to develop an effective plan?
Where was the voice of the people?
Who cares?
The New American may be too self obsessed and afraid to rise up against the tyrant thieves, but almost half of them still vote.
I think it is time we vote ourselves a new system, one that better reflects the 21st century needs and capabilities of the New American.
Our current system of candidate selection and poll taking was developed to suit the needs of men who had no phones, cars, databases. or even electricity!
Don't you think it is time we update our O/S?
America 1.1 is broken, and we have allowed the hackers to fully corrupt our system files. It is time to reformat the hard drive and load the updated O/S. One that embraces our current levels of communication capabilities and returns the voice to the people.
America 3.0
- We vote every year. We begin by re-registering and selecting a preferred voting method. The selections would be land line phone, text/cell, secure website, or local polling place (a bank of publicly accessible computers to enable the user to access the secure website).
- NO MAIL!Mail is an absolute waste of money!! What a scam! Mail ballots in this day and age is just a scam to enrich the post office and the printing contractors!! End it NOW!!!
- No one is allowed to become a politician. PERIOD! Why would you vote for someone who WANTED to be a politician? The method really is simple, beginning on the first day of the first week in each annual election cycle, the citizens use their registered means of polling, entering their unique ID and passwords, accessing the voting software and they nominate a person to represent them at each level., local, county, state, and federal. The millions of nominees are then filtered through the voting software and a list of candidates for each position is generated by a simple majority selection. The following week, the citizen will again access the voting software, through their preferred voting method, identify themselves and pick one candidate from the previously generated candidate list, after reading their bios and resumes, and again by simple majority a representative is elected.
- Election over. In two weeks!! No BILLIONS spent on campaigning and bribing, No BILLIONS spent on mailing paper and counting paper, and best of all, people elected, not because they lied and cheated the best, but who were picked because they were the peoples choice for who was best for the job!!
TOUGH...It is your duty to serve as a NEW AMERICAN, just like you serve jury duty, that's why we vote every year, so the best and brightest can serve the people, without having to sacrifice their livelihood in line of work they excel at.
Who would you nominate?
Well, for each position at the local level, you will probably nominate someone you know is good at their job...i.e, your kids best teacher for the school superintendent job, etc. Mayor might be the business owner or manager who you see as successful and fair, etc., but your decision will be based on PERSONAL EXPERIENCE AND FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE!!!, not BS you have been fed. It seems like many communities lately have elected Realtors, and developers and lawyers and bankers, people who benefited monetarily by making local decisions that left the rest of their neighbors holding a bag of overdeveloped wastelands of vacant neighborhoods, unfinished projects, blown budgets and disappearing tax revenues.
Why? Because you were only given the option to vote for people who wanted the job.
At the Federal level, many will complain that the deck will be stacked by the population centers and not represent small town America, but I say that is BS. Think about it, do you really think that a person like Blago is going to receive a majority nomination for President just because he comes from a large city? No, more than likely, Blago constituents will embrace their new freedom of thought, and select a person who has been recently successful and proven that they are fighting for America, not themselves or their district. You know, a person like Ron Paul.
Wouldn't it be awesome? You could nominate anyone you want! What are the chances that Brittany Spears is elected President? LOW. How about, Ron Paul, Lou Dobbs, Peter Schiff, etc...HIGH!! The result will be representation by the best of the best.
If American Idol can hold a weekly nationwide election, that receives MILLIONS of votes, The USA should be able to do it once a year.
What do you say?
I like it.
ReplyDeletePolitical jury duty...LOL!
That's funny!
I can hear the excuses now.